Monday, March 20, 2006

Mad Lover

mad lover in a field
high grass all around
sundancing she stumbles onto him
hot summer
bees buzzing
sucking nectar
when will I see you again?

Harvest Me

harvest me in the sunrise
some grains fall to soil and
some you will collect.
for you, where there is love, there will
always be plenty of me.


bubbles floating up to the sky
leave this world for that of breezes
birds, and balderddash
sink into depth with me
where we will make light from darkness
for the whole world
nothing ever ends or begins
i love you.
i love you.
i love you.

Sunday, March 19, 2006


This twisted smile.
The one that comes out of me like a
meat through a grinder...
I am a hamburger!

Slather some buns and sauces over me...

This is as delicious as it gets...when I find the guts
to be put through it.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

By the Wings

No amount of time is ever going to give me
the lightness, love and breathlessness of being
that arises when I am near you. When I look for it,
it disappears. I run around, around with my butterfly
net, swatting to and fro like an eager child about to
capture something wonderful,
something colorful and vibrant. All my running
has only served to land me on the porch of your home,
the only thing in the net, me, and you laugh as you
pull me free by the wings!