Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Will We See Them?

Will we see them?
They are all around us if we open our eyes.
Moving about at frequencies beyond our numbed orbits, and
caught only in glimpses
for to be in their presence too long would be blinding...
yet we let them in slowly...at acceptable speeds...

Act as if they are not here now.
I am one.
You are one.
Dare be any thing else and suffer.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Little Korean Girl

Little Korean girl outsider,
make your way,

run faster
and all the way down...

'til nothing is left but
acid, ash, yellow trash
and, "how can you love some
one like me?"

"How?" you ask.

I look in your hands, my love,
and they are always open to me.
I look in your eyes and for me they smile.
I look at your heart beating my name...
so loud.

....and you even bother to ask
how I can love you?

Friday, April 08, 2005

Rest, My Love

My Love
Rest... no one else will live in my word

as we brush up against the wind
and trees you are light.
you are ether and you are nothing
at all
reaching out into dark space
you move me like a sorceress

your wand your thoughts
your hand my strength
your voice my mouth
your body my body
spirit my spirit

Rest, my love...

for the wandering, floating seed
of my heart has found its ground
to grow in you.