Friday, August 24, 2001

Lyrics - One Dance in My Heart

These Memories remain
My one and only love
How the dance floor invited us then
Puerto Rico to Cuba

Forget the dreams we shared
I’d leave them where they were
Holy phrases we’d vow in the air
Weary sun whispers morning

My precious Latin love
The dawn begs to begin
Nothing matters today as I
Hold you so close in the dance of my heart

Placid moon painted gray
Pull your weight from my shore
Wash away this betrayal
I’ll reclaim to this love
‘til death do us part

My precious Latin love
The dawn begs to begin
Nothing matters today as I
Hold you so close in the dance of my heart

so take me for a spin
our gravity will be
just remember each turn you take with me
makes the air you are breathing right in me

I’m revolving by your side while I feel
there still is
One dance in my heart
Once dance in my heart
One dance in my heart.


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